Seven localities in Southwest Virginia have been declared as federal disaster areas — Grayson, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise and Wythe counties and the city of Galax — which will make them eligible for federal aid. Reports state that over 100,000 Virginians were still out of power as of last night.
If you want to help by donating emergency supplies to those in need in our area, drop off items at the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce. All donations must be received by Friday, October 4th by noon so we can deliver the items fast.
In addition to make monetary donations, supplies needed Include:
- Bottled Water
- Non-Perishable Food–canned goods/peanut butter, etc.
- First Aid Kits
- Flash Lights & Batteries
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Diapers & Baby Supplies
- Blankets & Sleeping Bag
- Cleaning Supplies
Click the links below for more info.